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Pro Stock 850 to be allowed in all 800 Classes

650 to be allowed in all 600 classes in Pro Stock Form
-No engine modifications what so ever besides drains

- Aftermarket Silencer may be used y pipe and expansion pipe must remain stock.

-Aftermarket Rails, wheels, suspension and front end may be used.  


A.  There will be an appointed Race Director positioned in the best place possible to monitor racecourse. This person along with the race officials will be watching for any infractions or violations and making any calls during racing. The Race Director has the right to disqualify the driver or sled for any reason. The Race Director shall decide the final interpretation of all rules. The Race Director has the right to disqualify any sinkers. Disciplinary action may be taken against drivers for unsportsmanlike conduct by themselves or their crew during a race or the awards ceremony, which may dismay the NWC, it's image, or the promoters interests. A fine of $100 and/or the expulsion from 1 race may be imposed. The Race officials shall report any and all incidence to the Race Director. The Race Director shall inform the driver and or crew in question of the violation and the disciplinary action imposed. The driver has the right to appeal to the President concerning these actions. The President has the exclusive right to discuss concerns with the Race Director. The confronting of the Race Director by Drivers or Crew Members or persons acting on behalf of a team during the course of events shall result in the automatic disqualification for the day. All points and purse earned by the driver shall be forfeited for the day.

B.   If upon inspection a driver is found to be in violation of a NWC rule specification in their class, the driver will be disqualified for the event, forfeit any prize money due, and forfeit series points, by the decision of The Race Director. Driver will not be allowed to race in a NWC sanctioned event, if a fine is imposed, until such fine is paid.  

C.  Owner of sled is responsible for their driver’s actions in the pit area and on the race course.  Acts of improper driving may result in disqualification.  

D.  Drivers that drive recklessly, as determined by the Race Director, and endanger spectators, another driver, or any race official will receive last place for that heat or 0 (ZERO) points if it is a heat race. The driver may be disqualified for the weekend.  

E.   It will be the intent to have Tech at every race possible.  Any tech may take place on any sled at any time during the weekend. 

F.   It is not the responsibility of the NWC to retrieve a downed sled that the buoy did not release from.  If opportunity and resources permits retrieval during racing it will be attempted.

G. A rider must race with their own sleds, upon a mechanical failure a racer may use another one of his or her own sleds but may not use another racers sled upon mechanical failure. 

2.  SIGN UP  

A.  Drivers can enter one or two drag classes.  

B.  Drivers are categorized as Amateur, Pro or Semi-Pro in the oval classes.  Driver can enter up to two oval classes.  

C.  Snowmobiles can be entered only ONCE per drag class and ONCE per oval class.

D.  Pro Class top Five (5) finishers or drivers, which qualified for a final during the season, cannot drop into the Semi Pro class the following season. 

E.   Number 1 is reserved for the combined Pro Oval points champion from the previous year, all drivers will retain their numbers until the pre-registration deadline, unless they request a change and the number is available.  


A.  Entry fee must be paid and the driver and pit crew must sign waivers before the snowmobile can be started.

B.   Pre-Registration is required for All races. Pre-registration deadline is the FRIDAY 8PM before the event. All drivers not pre-registered will be allowed to enter but must pay a $40.00 late fee. Driver and crew check in will be held on Friday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at a designated place decided on by the NWC President and/or Secretary-Treasurer.  Entries will not be accepted following the 9pm closure of registration. Deletions may be allowed for Sunday pending approval of the NWC. All change requests will be considered on a case by case basis. ALL DRIVERS WILL HAVE THE AVAILABILITY TO PRE-REGISTER BY EMAIL, ONLINE IR IN PERSON! .

C.  Entry Fees will be as follows:


$20 TRAIL STOCK DRAGS                 

$35 600 DRAGS

$35 800 DRAGS

$45 PRO 600 DRAGS

$45 PRO 800 DRAGS









$45 PRO 600 OVALS





Late Fee                        $40.00     

* Checks will not be taken for entry unless received 1 week prior to the event. No Exceptions! 

D.  Pit passes: Pro Driver and ONE (1) pit person per driver, no charge. Others with the driver will be charged $20.00 and the driver must bring them to the registration area to sign waiver, pay the fee, and get a wristband.  No one under 12 years old is allowed in the pits, special exceptions may be allowed at the discretion of the President and accompanied by an adult.

E. Membership

All drivers, including Amateurs, must become members of Northeast Watercross Championship in order to participate in any manner at a NEWX event or practice.


Annual Membership          $175    
1 Weekend Membership             $75  

* Return of all Non-sufficient fund checks, will be charged a $75.00 fee.   


A.  Safety Official There will be a Safety Person in the Pit Area, whose function will be to enforce the safety rules set by the NWC and Venue.  Sleds traveling through the pit area will be driven in a slow and safe manner, either walking beside or riding while seated, at no more than clutch engagement speed with fastened tether and certified helmet.  Failure to comply will RESULT in DISQUALIFICATION.

B.   Required Protective Gear:
i.   Full coverage helmets are mandatory. Helmets will be full protective coverage and carry the 2005, or newer, “Snell Foundation Approval Code.” Helmets are also mandatory in the Staging and Starting area (Any color). Helmets must be securely fastened at all times The helmet MUST be predominantly blaze or international orange in color. More than 50% of its entire outer surface, including the visor, must be orange. A template measuring 2 by 3 inches placed anywhere on the helmet must be contact orange color.    
ii.   Full body life vest of any bright color with 100MPH rating or USCG 4 BUCKLE JACKETS
iii.  Shoes, socks, long pants (no exposed skin below the waist) and race shirts, preferably long sleeve.
iv.  Moto-cross style pants are required in Pro Oval and Drag classes.
v.   Eye protection AND HELMET is required for everyone in the staging and starting line areas.  It is recommended  that those in the pit area wear eye protection at all times.

C.  Warm up Safety Stands  Stands that retain cleats and other items that are thrown by a track will be mandatory and securely placed  at the rear of tunnel opening within twelve (12) inches of the track, and must be a minimum of two (2)  inches wider than the tunnel whenever the rear of the machines is raised to clean out the track.  The Safety stand will be constructed of materials sufficient to contain cleats or other items that might be thrown from  the track.   Shield must be no more than one (1) inch from the ground.  Side shields are also mandatory.The sled should be on the stand when ever it is practical.  The track must have a minimum of two (2)  inches of ground clearance.

D.  Additional Start Line Stops    There will be six (6) backstops constructed of material sufficient to contain cleats or other items thrown from a track at the start up area.

E. Engine Dead man Switch

Functional Tether (dead man) Switch MUST BE used and securely attached to the operator WHENEVER the engine is running. Participants will be given only one (1) warning.  The second occurrence shall result immediate removal of the Driver and Team. All Points and Awards will be forfeited.

F.   Snow Flap A rear snow flap of sufficient materials to retain a cleat that is thrown from the track will be installed in a permanent manner, and shall be held down along the distance of the snow flap so as to contain all mud, rocks, water, etc. at all speeds.  The snow flap must be retained in a secure manner. (No springs or bungies)

G.  Safety Inspection
i.  Snowmobiles must be inspected by Race Official or Tech Official before it is allowed to be used or  raced.
ii. Snowmobile will be checked for properly operating tether switch, the brake, sharp edges, proper belt guard, proper ski tips, proper rope and buoy.
iii. Each snowmobile will be issued a sticker after passing inspection.  Each snowmobile must have this sticker before it is permitted to race.

H.  Fire Extinguisher Everyone must have a working fire extinguisher in their pit area in case of fire.  One (1) reprimand will be given, after which a $25 fine per day will be implemented.

I.   Flags for Oval Racing
i.   GREEN FLAG - means race
ii.  RED FLAG - stop the race and all drivers will slow down and come to the designated landing area.
iii. YELLOW FLAG - Caution on the race track.
iv. BLACK FLAG - Disqualifies a driver. Driver must return to landing area  
Reasons for disqualification      LOOSE EQUIPMENT2.      Unsafe Acts by the driver.
v.  BLUE FLAG with YELLOW DIAGONAL - signals riders that the leaders are about to lap them.
vi.  WHITE FLAG - One (1) lap to go
vii.BLACK AND WHITE CHECKERED FLAG - signifies winner and end of race.

J.    Staging and Starting

i.   All racers will be in the designated staging warm up area and must have sleds ready to go for race.  Once drivers are called to the starting line, drivers or pit crews may not lift the sled to clear the track or motor. Driver must be prepared and ready to race. IN ALL CLASSES, SNOWMOBILES MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE STARTING LINE UNDER THEIR OWN POWER.  

ii.   If a driver has a mechanical problem starting from when the driver is called to the line, the driver can request three (2) minutes from the Starting Official to correct the problem. If the driver is not on the line at the end of this time, the race will go on without that driver.

iii.  The start will be a Light Start if light is to fail NWC will resort to a flag start. A false start or jump occurs when a sled or driver starts (moves) before the light goes green AFTER THE FLAG IS POINTED TO THE GROUND/TOUCHING THE GROUND or green flag is raised.iv. A JUMP IS A JUMP IF YOU JUMP YOU WILL be awarded last place and last place points. if more then one driver jumps all drivers that jumped will be awarded last place points no driver that jumps may advance. even if there is 2 sleds in the heat.  

v.   In the DRAG CLASSES, hitting a buoy or out of lane will result in zero (0) points, unless determined by Race Officials that out of lane was forced by another driver.

vi.  In the drag classes, the Race Director may determine unsafe operation in which a driver will get zero (0) points.

K.  Practice Practie will be conducted for 2 hrs on Friday before the race… times to be determined by NWC

L.  Loose Equipment Loss of buoy or an loose equipment in oval classes may result in a disqualification if the flagman determines that it is causing an unsafe situation.   This may include a downed rider or buoy interfering with another rider.  If your buoy is loose keep a close eye on the flagman.

L.L. If your buoy pops out you may maintain your position safely but may not advance. 

i.  NO OPEN ALCOHOLIC beverages permitted in the pit area during race hours.
ii. ANYONE suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including DRIVERS, PIT CREWS or  VISITORS, while in the pit area during racing hours will result in the DRIVERS DISQUALIFICATION.

i.  The RED flag indicates a safety situation on the course. All drivers must slow down and return to the landing area immediately. BLACK flags are driver specific.
ii. Any driver passing a RED or BLACK more than once will be disqualified for the class.

5.  SNOWMOBILE REQUIREMENTS (These apply to all snowmobiles)     

A.  Fuel must comply with section 6 (Fuel Section)


ii.  A standard* snowmobile track.
iii. A standard* snowmobile hood and belly pan.  Hood style must be no older than 2000 and from a sled 580cc or larger model. 
iv. PRO class belly pan must be of a model year from 2003 or newerv.  A standard* functional brake.
vi. One or Two (2) standard* snowmobile skis with loop protection. The skis must have rubber tips or one (1)  inch wide and at least three (3) inch diameter ski loops.  NO UNPROTECTED METAL SKI TIPS ALLOWED. vii. One (1) standard* round wear bar per ski or none at all.
viii. Centrifugal snowmobile clutches.
ix. A belt/clutch guard constructed of at least 3/32" aluminum extending over the center bolt of the primary clutch and covering the secondary clutch in a safe secure manner on all Sleds.
x. A nylon rope with a minimum diameter of 1/2" and a minimum of 20 feet attached to the steering column or ski as appropriate and a buoy.  Length depends on the depth of the water at the race site.
xi. Buoy must be secured in a safe manner at the Race Directors discretion.
xii. TUNNEL / FLAP:  The flap mount cannot extend more than ten (10) inches from the back of the track. Measurement will be taken from a line perpendicular to the top of the tunnel.  Tunnel extensions may not protrude lower than the running board.  Suspension brackets may not extend below the running board  more than six (6) inches.  The bracket must not extend down or back more than two (2) inches from suspension bolts.
xiii. All sleds must have silenced exhaust or exhaust canister that may not exceed six (6) inches from hood maximum.  Noise levels will be enforced. Repacking on occasion is mandatory. Silencers can be checked upon request of the Race Director. Drivers will be given 1 warning. Afterward a $100 fine and or disqualification may be imposed at the Race Directors discretion.
xiv. Snowmobile must have biodegradable chain case oil and antifreeze.
xv. Contrasting six (6) inch high numbers on both sides of the hood.  Number One (1) is reserved for the COMBINED PRO OVAL points champion from the previous season.  All others will be retained from the previous season.
xvi. Handlebars must have handgrips that cover and plug ends. xvii. Hood tether, it is recommended that hoods are secured to the chassis. A tether will prevent loss of a hood. Lost hoods will not be searched for until the close of the race. Sleds will not be allowed to continue without a hood.      

i.    No flotation devices allowed - except for boat cushion used as seat.
ii.   No studs or traction devices allowed on the track.  (excluding amateurs)
iii.  No rudders allowed - RUDDER: any type of device that attaches to the snowmobile and rides in the water at any time.  The mandatory snow flap is not considered a rudder.iv.  No Airfoils allowed - AIRFOIL:  Any type of device other than a standard hood that attaches to the snowmobile with the primary function of altering the flow of air around the snowmobile. 
v. None of the following pressurized intake systems are allowed:                  
1.         Nitrous Oxide                  
2.         Turbo Chargers                  
3.         Pressurized fuel tanks.  


A.  0-600cc/ 601-800cc Pro Drags (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)
i.   Four (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE.  The top four (4) drivers continue to the final.
ii. Normally aspirated.    
iii. No nitrous oxide systems.
iv. Any centrifugal clutch system allowed.
v. Snowmobile frame and tunnel may be hand manufactured, but must retain stock appearance and retain the manufactures appearance and safety features.     
vi. Engine Classification 0-600cc and 601-800ccvi.  (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

B.   0-600cc /  601-800cc Semipro Drags  (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)i.    Four (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE.  The top four (4) drivers continue to the final.
ii.   Normally aspirated.
iii.  No nitrous oxide systems.
iv.  Any centrifugal clutch system allowed.
v.  Snowmobile frame and tunnel may be hand manufactured, but must retain stock appearance and retain the manufactures appearance and safety features.     
vii. Engine Classification 0-600cc and 601-800cc. (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

viii. Pro drivers are not allowed to enter this class. 

C.   0-600cc / 601-800cc Amateur Drags (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

i.    Four (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE. The top four (4) drivers continue to the final. ii.   Normally aspirated.
iii.  No nitrous oxide systems.iv.  Any centrifugal clutch system allowed.v.   Snowmobile frame and tunnel must be  Front and rear suspensions may be altered to improve the handling of the machine.
vii. Engine Classification 0-600cc and 601-800cc. (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

viii. Seats, fuel tanks, gauges, and lights may be removed however the OEM chassis may not be altered in any way.  ix. Traction products attached to the standard rubber track are allowed. However the snow flap must touch the ground  and must be secured to contain any thrown studs.
x. Pro and Semi-pro drivers are not allowed enter this class.
xi. Amateurs are required to join the association or pay the weekend membership. Free pit passes and gate exemptions are not allowed.
xii. Top 3 drivers awarded a trophy.

D.   0-600cc / 601-800cc Trail Stock Drags (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

i.    Four (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE.  The top four (4) drivers continue to the final.

ii.   Normally aspirated.

iii.  No nitrous oxide systems.

iv.  Any centrifugal clutch system allowed.

v.   Snowmobile frame and tunnel must be Stock.

vi.  Front and rear suspensions must remain stock.

vii. Engine Classification 0-600cc and 601-800cc. 

viii. Seats, fuel tanks, gauges, and lights may be removed however the OEM chassis may not be altered in any way. 

ix. Traction products attached to the standard rubber track are allowed. However the snow flap must touch the ground and must be secured to contain any thrown studs.

X. Pro and Semi-pro drivers are not allowed enter this class.

xi. Amateurs are required to join the association or pay the weekend membership. Free pit passes and gate exemptions are not allowed.

xii. Top 3 drivers awarded a trophy.

9.         OVAL CLASSES  

A.  PRO OVAL 0-600cc 601-800cc (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

i.   Engine and chassis rules are the same as Pro Drags.
ii.  Up to four (4) drivers race in a heat at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE. The top six (6) drivers continue to the final.

B.  SEMI-PRO OVAL 0-600cc 601-800cc (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

i.   Engine and chassis rules are the same as Pro Drags.
ii.  Up tofour (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE.  The top six (6) drivers continue to the final.ii.  Top Two overall points for the year in Semi-Pro must move up to PRO the following year.  


C.  Masters    
i.  Same as Pro Oval  800 CC max Drivers Must be 40 or older Pro or Semipro (Stock 850 may run in Masters class see Stock 850 Rules)

D.   Amateur Oval
i.    Up to four (4) drivers race at a time.  TOP 2 ADVANCE.  The top four (4) drivers continue to the final
ii.   Normally aspirated.
iii.  No nitrous oxide systems.
iv.  Any centrifugal clutch system allowed.
v.   Snowmobile frame and tunnel must be Stock.
vi.  Front and rear suspensions may be altered to improve the handling of the machine.
vii. Engine Classification 0-800cc. (Stock 850 may run in 800 classes see Stock 850 Rules)

viii.Seats, fuel tanks, gauges, and lights may be removed however OEM chassis may not be altered in any way.  ix. Traction products attached to the standard rubber track are allowed. however the snow flap must touch the ground and must be secured to contain any thrown studs.
x.  Pro and Semi-pro drivers are not allowed enter this class.
xi.  Amateurs are required to join the association or pay the weekend membership. xii. Top 3 drivers awarded a trophy.


E.  Beginner Ovals
This will be a limited class based on entries at each event. The Amateur Oval rules apply however this is not head to head competition this will be timed. Each rider will get two attempts. Fastest top time wins

A.           Lane Selection will be selected in staging from a drawing.  The number of oval laps and format may change due to the size of the race site.  The determination will be made by the Race Director, Race Officials, Site Chairperson, and or Board of Directors.  

11.       BUOYS (Oval Racing) 

A.  Buoys must be driven around. Going over the top of a buoy will be considered not going around and will be called a violation.
B.  Touching or bumping a buoy is legal.
C.  Drivers who damage buoys intentional or not shall bare the cost of replacing the buoy. Drivers will be able to complete racing for the day but will not be able race again until the buoy has been paid for. No exceptions!  

Points will be awarded to any NWC registered to race in any NWC race      


          No expression or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication with these rules and regulations. These Rules are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to spectators or participants.  
*    Standard - A product manufactured and sold by a snowmobile company.
*    OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.

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